
How to apply for the Banco do Brasil Gol Smiles Visa Infinite credit card?

The Banco do Brasil Gol Smiles Visa Infinite card has a simplified application process and you do not need to be a BB account holder to apply. In other words, anyone who passes the credit analysis can take advantage of its benefits!


Banco do Brasil Gol Smiles Visa Infinite credit card: benefits when purchasing tickets and accumulating Smiles miles!

cartão BB Gol Smiles Visa
So, how to apply for the card? Source: Smiles.

Those who are always traveling and purchasing airline tickets can make their lives much easier by applying for the Banco do Brasil Gol Smiles Visa Infinite card.

In this sense, this credit card has the best of both worlds, bringing together benefits from the Smiles and Visa Infinite miles program in one place! See how to get yours below.


Credit card

Banco do Brasil Gol Smiles Visa Infinite

Points Program Trip

Get access to various benefits such as Concierge, resort discounts and much more!

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Step by step to easily request your Banco do Brasil Gol Smiles Visa Infinite card!

If you are looking for a card full of benefits aimed at those who travel frequently, then this credit card is for you!

Through it, you will be able to take advantage of the GOL Premium Lounge rooms, purchase GOL tickets easily, have a Concierge at your disposal, among other benefits. Check out how to order yours and enjoy!

Order online

First of all, the card has an exclusive page on the Banco do Brasil and Smiles website so you can check out all its features and advantages.

This way, you can decide whether you want to apply for the Banco do Brasil Gol Smiles Visa Infinite card or not.

In fact, it's worth remembering that you don't need to be a Banco do Brasil account holder to request yours.

However, it is not possible to make the request through the website. Therefore, you must download the BB application, register and request your card through it. See how below.

Request by app

Logo BB
After all, what is the step by step? Source: Banco do Brasil.

Firstly, if you don't already have the BB app, just access your Google Play or App Store online store and download it for free.

Then, just create your registration and view the option “Products for me” and then “Credit Card”.

If you already have an account, just access the app and select the “Card” option in the main menu.

Furthermore, for those who do not have an account with the institution, they must send some personal documents such as CPF, proof of income and proof of address, for example.

Then, just wait for your credit analysis for the desired card. However, for account holders it is even easier!

Simply choose the card from the list of available options and wait for the plastic to arrive at your address.

Recommended alternative: Caixa Elo Mais card

If you don't want to apply for the Banco do Brasil Gol Smiles Visa Infinite card and prefer to look for other options, it's worth getting to know the Caixa Elo Mais card.

In this sense, it offers the Elo Flex program, where you can choose the 6 benefits you use most in your daily life and customize your advantages.

Additionally, the card also has a good points program and a reduced annual fee.

So, do you want to know what to do to request your Caixa Elo Mais? So just access our content below and check the entire step-by-step guide in detail to get yours!

cartao caixa elo mais azul

How to apply for the Caixa Elo Mais credit card?

Although the CAIXA Elo Mais card application is face-to-face, its credit analysis is simplified; Understand the step by step to order yours and start enjoying its benefits as soon as possible.

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Passionate about living new experiences, cultures and always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He has experience in Hospitality and Tourism and has been working in the content production area for some years.

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