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Senhor Viagens' recommendation for you is the Foursquare app

Foursquare app, discover the best places to visit closest to you!


Discover places to have a great breakfast, find bars with your favorite drink and check out the best stores in your neighborhood, all for free with the Foursquare app! The platform is available worldwide to help travelers who are unfamiliar with the destination or even for those who want to find new activity options in their city.


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See the advantages of using the Foursquare app!

Free app
Personalized recommendations
Reviews from real people
Available worldwide

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The Foursquare platform offers personalized recommendations and suggestions for establishments in your region. Using the cell phone's location, the app offers options for cafes, bars, used bookstores, stores and more. The application basically works like a social network where you can follow and add your friends, favorite brands and famous profiles to check out recommendations. Reviews are from real people around the world.

The app is available worldwide, as it uses your cell phone's location. The platform brings together reviews and suggestions from real people and you choose according to your preferences.

Just download the app on your smartphone and access it to check out some suggested places based on your profile. Right on the home page you will find categories to choose from. Additionally, you can type keywords such as the name of your favorite dish, the type of establishment you want to visit or any other characteristic to check recommendations.

The platform is available to Android, iOS and Windows Phone users for free. In addition to being ideal for travelers who don't know the destination, Foursquare is also great for discovering new places in your city.

Do you want to find incredible establishments and services in your region? So download the Foursquare app right now and check out personalized suggestions according to your profile and preferences! See below how to use it!

Logo aplicativo Foursquare

How to download and use the Foursquare app?

Discover the best recommendations for places like cafes, second-hand bookstores, restaurants and much more directly on your cell phone, anywhere in the world! Just download the Foursquare app to check it out!

And, if you like having quick access to maps and route recommendations for different places around the world, then the Maps.Me app is worth it for you. The platform is free and brings together the best suggestions!

Find accommodation, attractions and tours, make reservations and much more right on your cell phone! Want to check out an easy step-by-step guide on how to download and use the app? So go below and check out the details!

Logo aplicativo Maps.Me

How to download and use the Maps.Me app?

With more than 140 million users around the world, the Maps.Me app gives you offline access to maps and helps you find your way around different cities around the world. See how to use it!

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