
Ecotourism: what is it and how does it work?

Ecological tourism is a type of tourism that promotes contact with nature. Some of the activities involved are hiking, rappelling and much more! See some national destinations!


Check out everything about this concept and see some suggestions for destinations in Brazil!

Homem de mochila e chapéu olhando a natureza
Find out everything about this trend in the world of tourism! Source: AdobeStock.

Ecological tourism is a type of tourism that brings greater contact with nature and is becoming increasingly popular in our country. After all, Brazil brings together the most diverse natural landscapes!

In fact, activities that bring more contact with nature have real health benefits. That is, ecological tourism can help reduce stress, increase concentration and even improve the immune system.

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In addition to having paradisiacal beaches, eye-catching natural landscapes and a lot of culture, Brazil also has beautiful dunes from North to South!

In other words, practicing this type of tourism, in addition to being enjoyable, brings many benefits to our body. Therefore, it is worth including destinations on your travel list that can provide this experience.

How about finding out more about what ecological tourism is and how it works? So continue reading to find out everything about this concept, as well as check out some destination suggestions for your next vacation!

What is ecological tourism?  

Although it is already quite widespread in Brazil, some people still do not know the term ecological tourism. In fact, many also call it ecotourism. In any case, the idea is to promote more contact with nature.

According to the Ministry of the Environment, this type of tourism aims to encourage nature conservation, promoting sustainable use of our country's cultural and natural heritage.

One of the big differences in relation to traditional tourism is that ecological tourism brings more interaction with the environment. Meanwhile, the first only contemplates the landscapes and monuments.

Furthermore, it is worth remembering that there are some rules that make this type of tourism official. To actually be considered ecotourism, some conditions need to be met, such as:

  • Environmental conservation
  • Educational interaction regarding the environment
  • Respect local communities
  • Support the local economy

What are the main activities of ecological tourism?

Homem e filho na natureza
But, after all, what characterizes ecological tourism? Source: AdobeStock.

Firstly, remember that ecotourism is one that promotes interaction with nature. In other words, in addition to respecting the basic principles already mentioned, there are some activities commonly practiced in this modality.

But pay attention! Nothing that happens during the tours can result in degradation of the flora or exploitation of the environment in any way. In fact, the goal is always to be in harmony with nature.

Currently, there are many agencies that promote this type of tourism, including incredible activities for you to enjoy. Some of them include:

  • Camping
  • Tree climbing
  • Rappel
  • Dive
  • Mountaineering, among others.
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See 7 options for national destinations for ecological tourism!

Pessoas mergulhando
Check out some national destinations for ecotourism! Source: AdobeStock.

As you may already be imagining, Brazil is a very rich place for those who want to practice ecological tourism. In fact, this is one of the best countries in the world for those looking for contact with nature. See some indications below.

Bonito – Mato Grosso do Sul

Did you know that Bonito can be considered the national capital of ecotourism? In this sense, all agencies that offer tours and the properties where the attractions are located equally respect the environment.

In fact, the place is famous for its tourist attractions and you can find activity options all year round! Rivers and waterfalls with crystal clear waters, breathtaking landscapes and a great diversity of fauna and flora make the trip worthwhile.

Chapada dos Veadeiros – Goiás

This option is not just a city, but an entire region that encompasses eight municipalities and is one of the main destinations for those who enjoy ecotourism. In fact, the biodiversity of Chapada dos Veadeiros is stunning!

With gorges, waterfalls and rock formations, the destination is most visited between the months of mid-September. After all, this is the time when the rains take a break and visitors can enjoy a breathtaking sunset!

Jalapão – Tocantins

Jalapão State Park has become increasingly popular with tourists in recent years. In this sense, the region is excellent for those looking for more radical activities or even if they want to relax and enjoy nature.

In fact, one of the most famous attractions of the place, the boiling waters, have beautiful turquoise waters! Furthermore, tourists can enjoy waterfalls, dunes, lagoons and many incredible landscapes!

Chapada Diamantina – Bahia

If you like waterfalls and caves, then you need to include Chapada Diamantina on your destination list. In fact, the place is extensive, with more than 38 thousand square kilometers of area in the state of Bahia!

In fact, there are many ecological tourism activities available, which is a great option for nature lovers. So, if you are looking for a different experience, know that there are options all year round.

Fernando de Noronha – Pernambuco

Although it is an environmental protection area, the Fernando de Noronha archipelago can host around 675 tourists per day. In fact, the destination is one of the most famous in the world and quite popular.

There are 21 paradisiacal beaches and a very rich marine life! So, if you like diving, a trip to Fernando de Noronha is definitely worth considering. The climate is constant all year round.

Alto Caparaó – Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo

Although it is not a very popular destination for traditional tourists, Alto Caparaó is almost a mandatory stop for those who enjoy ecotourism. The region is on the border with the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.

This way, you can find entrances to the Caparaó National Park in both states. The region is more than a thousand meters above sea level and is home to a preserved area of the Atlantic Forest. The landscapes are breathtaking.

Brotas – São Paulo

If you are from São Paulo and thought you would have to go far to practice ecological tourism, know that you can find a destination closer than you think! Brotas is a city in the interior that is quite famous for this sport.

In fact, if you like extreme sports in contact with nature, it's worth checking out! The activities are diverse, such as rappelling, zip lining, as well as waterfalls and even farm hotels. In other words, it's the best of both worlds.

Furthermore, did you know that there are already tourism agencies specializing in ecotourism? Then you need to check out the Ecotrips packages, with activities directly linked to nature. Access below and see how to buy!

Logo Ecotrips

How to easily buy at Ecotrips Brasil?

Those who like to relax and recharge their energies in contact with nature will identify with the Ecotrips Brasil tourism agency. Packages are national, international, road and even round trips.

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Passionate about living new experiences, cultures and always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He has experience in Hospitality and Tourism and has been working in the content production area for some years.

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