
7 important tips for backpacking!

Backpacking is a great adventure. But you need to plan ahead to have a successful trip from start to finish. See essential tips and learn where to start.


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Homem de mochila em estação de trem
So, check out tips for making this trip! Source: AdobeStock.

Even though it may seem simple, backpacking isn't just about separating your clothes and hitting the road. You need to plan and organize carefully. Therefore, we have prepared some essential tips for anyone who wants to go backpacking.

This way, you will be able to create an itinerary according to your profile and avoid any setbacks during the tour. Furthermore, you can save a lot of money by planning correctly.

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After all, this is one of the cheapest types of travel, also ensuring greater immersion in the local culture. If you like adventures and want to take a more independent trip, it's worth checking out.

So, even if you are an experienced traveler, here are some tips for backpacking. Find out how to plan and check out essential information to have a successful trip from start to finish.

Is it worth backpacking?

Mochileiros fazendo trilha
But is it worth backpacking? Source: AdobeStock.

Although it may seem like a unique experience, this type of travel is not for everyone. In fact, the majority of backpackers are younger people, although age is not an impediment.

If you are in doubt whether or not you should go backpacking, one of the first tips before starting to organize is to think about your traveler profile. After all, this is an independent type of trip, done with little luggage.

Therefore, it is essential that you analyze the pros and cons to make sure you want to have this experience. Also, remember to plan a lot, especially financially, to avoid headaches.


Certainly the main positive point of backpacking is contact with the culture, which is why one of the main tips for this trip is to make friends. In this sense, staying in hostels or couchsurfing can help.

Furthermore, it is worth highlighting that this is a completely independent trip. In other words, you are not tied to a pre-established itinerary and you will certainly end the trip much more mature.

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Although it may seem like a unique experience, you need to take into account that unforeseen events can happen. And when they happen, you will be alone to deal with them, as this is the main characteristic of backpacking.

Furthermore, for people who are more introverted and have difficulty making friends, backpacking can be challenging. After all, the initial idea is to immerse yourself in the local culture, meeting new people and making contacts.

Tips for backpacking: see 7!

Mulher mochileira na Tailândia
Check out these tips for traveling! Source: AdobeStock.

So, are you decided to go on your first backpacking trip and want to check out some tips to prepare? See below how to organize yourself for a trip of this type to have a good experience during the tour.

Financial organization

Certainly the first most important tip for anyone going backpacking is to have good financial organization. That is, plan a budget for your trip and set aside an amount for any unforeseen circumstances.

This is where you should take your traveler profile into account. For example, if you want a more luxurious and comfortable trip, you can stay in hotels instead of hostels. But remember that the experience will be more expensive.

Make a basic itinerary

Although the premise of backpacking is the independence of doing what you want, when you want, it's important to have an itinerary in mind. If you are going to visit more than one city, this tip becomes essential.

After all, you will need to think about your transportation and, of course, reservations. Therefore, it is important to create a small itinerary to know the arrival and departure dates for each place, avoiding spending the night outside.

Prepare documentation

When backpacking, you are the one who will have to worry about documents and bureaucracy, which is why one of the main tips is to prepare in advance. This way, if a visa or form is needed, you will be ready!

Even if your trip is national, it is a good idea to confirm the necessary documents to board planes and buses. For international travel, keep an eye on the validity of your passport!

Take out insurance

It may seem superfluous, but Travel Insurance is one of the most important tips when backpacking. In fact, many countries may prevent you from entering if you have not purchased Travel Insurance before boarding.

Not just in this type of travel, but in any other, you need to think about unforeseen events and be prepared, and that includes medical expenses! So, do your research, sign up and take the printed documents with you.

Choose a good luggage size

As we have already informed, the main characteristic of a backpack is to make a light trip. In other words, take few clothes. However, you need to choose a suitcase or backpack that can accommodate all your items.

In fact, don't overdo it! If you want to save money, it's best that your suitcase doesn't exceed the airline's dimensions, or you could end up paying extra to check it in. Think about this before you start packing!

Make a copy of everything

Going backpacking is one of the greatest experiences of your life, and one of the tips for not missing anything is to make a copy of photos, documents and everything that is most important. This way you guarantee that you won't miss anything.

So keep an eye on your electronics and upload your photos to more than one source for a backup. It's also worth hiring cloud services to store what you need in an easy and practical way.

Carry cash

Although credit cards are accepted in most parts of the world, it is important not to have just one source of cash on your trip. If you are going to visit smaller and more distant cities, you may end up having problems.

Therefore, it is always a good idea to carry some local currency with you in cash in case of any emergency. Even when traveling nationally, it can be risky to go out with just your card. So be careful!

In fact, one of the tips for those going backpacking is to take an international card with a good points program, like Pão de Açúcar Mais Gold! With it, you accumulate points for every dollar spent. See below how to request!

cartão pão de açúcar mais gols de cor cinza em um fundo também cinza

How to apply for the Pão de Açúcar Mais Gold credit card?

If you want to take advantage of all the benefits of the Pão de Açúcar Mais Gold card, check out all the ways to request this incredible product from Itaú bank.

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Passionate about living new experiences, cultures and always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He has experience in Hospitality and Tourism and has been working in the content production area for some years.

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