
Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite Card: Luxury and Convenience

Com o cartão Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite os clientes acessam salas VIP em aeroportos junto com acompanhante. O cartão possui uma lista longa de benefícios para você!


O melhor cartão de crédito do Bradesco: Cartão Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite!

Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite
Cartão Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite: Luxo e Conveniência. Fonte: Bradesco

A financial product made for customers with high purchasing power, the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite card is worth it for those who want differentiated service.

Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite

How do I apply for the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite Card?

See the step-by-step instructions to apply for the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite card and enjoy its benefits!

In this sense, this card has an extensive list of advantages that make its customers' lives more comfortable and practical. Check out everything you need to know about him below!

Do you accept negative?No;
BenefitsDescontos em hotéis e resorts;
Acesso às salas VIP em aeroportos;
Serviço de Concierge Bradesco;
Programa de pontos que não expiram;
Seguros e muito mais.

How does the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite card work?

O banco Bradesco surgiu em 1943 e segue no mercado financeiro como um dos maiores bancos no Brasil.

Dentre os diversos produtos financeiros que ele oferece está o cartão Aeternum Visa Infinite, o melhor cartão da instituição.

But, is the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite card worth it? Well, the benefits of this credit card are aimed at those who travel frequently, such as Travel Insurance and access to the VIP lounge at airports.

Ademais, ele está disponível para clientes de alta renda do Bradesco, os clientes Prime e Private, além de realizar cobrança de anuidade de R$1.680,00. Ou seja, talvez não seja um cartão de fácil acesso a todos.

Isso mesmo se for cliente Bradesco. Então, vale a pena conversar com seu gerente de conta para verificar a disponibilidade.

E, para se convencer, confira a seguir as principais vantagens e desvantagens do cartão.


Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite
O melhor cartão de crédito do Bradesco: Cartão Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite! Fonte: Bradesco

Firstly, the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite card is worth it for the incredible discounts it offers at Visa partner hotels. Furthermore, it guarantees greater comfort when traveling with access to airport VIP lounges.

Furthermore, this credit card also offers various insurance policies such as Travel Insurance, Luggage Insurance and even Ticket Insurance, in case of flight cancellations or delays.

In other words, its advantages are mainly aimed at those who travel frequently. And, if you need personalized service with restaurant tips, flight reservations and other services, you can have that too.

This is because customers have a Visa Concierge available. In fact, the customer can access their account at any time of the day, from anywhere in the world! Finally, this credit card's points program is also advantageous.

Nesse sentido, ele oferece 4 pontos Livelo para cada dólar gasto no exterior ou no Brasil! E o melhor, os pontos não expiram e você pode trocar por produtos ou milhas aéreas! Incrível, não é mesmo?


Although it is quite advantageous, the Aeternum card also has its negative points. So, keep an eye out and analyze carefully to make sure the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite card is worth it for your financial profile.

De um modo geral, esse cartão é de difícil acesso e está disponível apenas para um grupo seleto de clientes Bradesco. Além disso, ele realiza cobrança de anuidade de um valor elevado, R$1.680,00.

E, na verdade, existem outras opções de cartões Infinite no mercado com taxas menores que podem valer mais a pena.

Inclusive, recomendamos que você faça uma consulta prévia delas antes de se decidir, certo?

How to get the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite credit card?

So, do you think the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite card is worth it and want to get yours? Be aware that you need to become a Private or Prime customer to have access.

In fact, do you want to see a detailed step-by-step guide on how to order yours? Just access our exclusive content below to answer all your questions about this!

Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite

How do I apply for the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite Card?

See the step-by-step instructions to apply for the Bradesco Aeternum Visa Infinite card and enjoy its benefits!

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Passionate about living new experiences, cultures and always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He has experience in Hospitality and Tourism and has been working in the content production area for some years.

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