
How to cancel and reschedule tickets with Submarino Viagens?

Check here the step-by-step guide on how to cancel a Submarino Viagens ticket. Here you will find out how to contact the company, as well as find out how to rebook your plane ticket.


Find out how to cancel and rebook travel tickets on Submarino!

Find out how to cancel your Submarino Viagens ticket. Source: Submarino Viagens.

That no one is immune to unforeseen events, we all know that. Now, when it involves travel, hotels and airline tickets, things get a little more complicated. So, we decided to bring this content to help you how to cancel a ticket with Submarino Viagens.

In this sense, we will explain how to cancel or change tickets already purchased. Furthermore, ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency) has some rules that are in favor of the passenger when making changes or cancellations. So, continue reading and find out how to cancel a ticket with Submarino Viagens.

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How to buy a ticket at Submarino Viagens?

Do you know how to buy a ticket at Submarino Viagens? Because it is very practical, completely online and guarantees you good offers. Check here how!

Step by step to cancel and rebook your Submarino Viagens Ticket

So, how to reschedule? Source: Unsplash.

Well, with our current scenario, cancellations and changes to airline tickets have become more common. However, ANAC determined that it is the passenger's right to change their ticket. In fact, there are no fees or fines if he accepts a credit to be used to purchase other airline tickets.

In this sense, Submarino Viagens encourages its customers not to cancel their tickets but to reschedule the dates. This way, the process is faster and less bureaucratic. Additionally, you continue to support tourism in the region.

So don't worry and check the change and cancellation rules on your airline's website. In fact, it is important to remember that Submarino Viagens acts as an intermediary between the airline and the passenger. Therefore, you must check deadlines and policies directly with the supplier.

Cancellation and refund

Therefore, Submarino Viagens has a customer service channel for queries and cancellations. But be aware that ticket cancellations and refunds must only be done over the phone.

Therefore, you can contact us at (11) 3003-2989 and (11) 3531-5275 for capitals, metropolitan regions and other locations. You can call from any phone and you won't pay anything for it.

However, don't worry as the call center prioritizes people with ticket changes and cancellations for the next 72 hours. Furthermore, if you are traveling, your service will also be expedited.

Other forms of service

Although Submarino provides telephone numbers for contact, there are other ways to request service if you prefer online contact.

Therefore, you can also fill out the cancellation or change request form directly on the website. In fact, another means of contact for questions about how to cancel a Submarino Viagens ticket is through online chat. So, it also available on the official website.

Discover other alternatives to travel: Decolar Viagens

Get to know Despegar. Source: Unsplash.

So, Decolar Viagens is nothing more than an online agency that offers various services related to travel. Like airline tickets and hotels, for example. Therefore, it can be a good option if you are looking for cheaper tickets or even travel packages.

Are you interested? So access our content below and see more details about Decolar.

Decolar Viagens: know how it works and if it is reliable

Decolar Viagens is a very reliable website, which works with excellent prices and gives the customer freedom to choose the best package! Look!

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Passionate about living new experiences, cultures and always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He has experience in Hospitality and Tourism and has been working in the content production area for some years.

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