Learn how to earn miles to travel

Accumulate and take the trip of your dreams, for free.

Mister Travel.

Air miles are like an airline loyalty program. They were created to retain their customers through bonuses.

This bonus is carried out through miles, which are earned by traveling several times with the same airline.

However, today this is not the only way to earn miles to travel: you can also earn them using a credit card!

To help you earn miles to travel, we've put together the five best credit cards with points programs for those who love to travel in an article!

Some tips to earn more miles to travel are:

- Concentrate your spending on just one card, to accumulate more. - Choose a good miles program. - Set a travel goal!

Interested?  We've prepared content with valuable tips to help you accumulate even more miles and make the trip of your dreams come true without paying anything! Check out: