
Submarine or 123 Miles: which is better to travel?

Buying tourism services from online agencies can be a good option for those who want convenience and economy. So, check out our comparison between Submarino Viagens and 123 Milhas before choosing!


Check which of the agencies will facilitate your trip: Submarino or 123 Miles

Avião na pista
After all, which is better, Submarino or 123 Miles? Source: Pixabay.

If you are wondering if you should buy from Submarino or 123 Milhas, then check out this comparative content that we have brought for you. Thus, you will be able to compare advantages and disadvantages, in addition to the main features to make the best choice for your trip.

123 viagens

Buy at 123 Viagens: how to do it?

Shopping at 123 Viagens is a good option if you are looking for practicality, safety and comfort. See more about it here!

How to buy a ticket at Submarino Viagens?

Do you know how to buy a ticket at Submarino Viagens? Because it is very practical, completely online and guarantees you good offers. Check here how!

submarine trips

One of the arms of the giant Submarino, the travel agency emerged in 2006 and soon became one of the most popular in the country. Although it is a company with specialized services in the sale of airline tickets, Submarino Viagens also offers packages, car rental, accommodation, cruises, among others.

Furthermore, the agency works both with national and international destinations, and you can find packages with more than 150 different destinations. By the way, you can find very affordable prices at Submarino Viagens, so it's definitely worth checking out.

In addition, the platform works in a simple and intuitive way, and you can search for the service of your choice in the homepage menu. The site also has some filters so that you can find exactly the type of flight or package you want to purchase. Thus, you can choose how many stops to make, class, fare, luggage, among other features.

So, don't waste any more time and visit the Submarino Viagens website to see all the services that the company offers. Incidentally, the agency is completely safe and reliable and you can buy on the platform without fear.

123 Miles

So, do you know 123 Miles? Source: Youtube 123 Miles.

Did you know that 123 Miles is the fourth most accessed website in the country? Although the tourism agency was created in 2016, its growth and popularity has been quite fast in Brazil. 123 Milhas is part of the Hot Milhas group, which buy airline miles from other people and sell them to 123 Milhas customers. That is, the values end up being very attractive, with discounts of up to 50% on tickets.

In addition to airline tickets, the agency also offers other services such as travel packages, accommodation, car rental, travel insurance, among others. Furthermore, to make your purchase, you only need to access the official 123 Milhas website and find the service you need in the main menu of the page. By the way, the website is quite intuitive and you shouldn't have any problems making the reservation.

In addition, the agency also has a great reputation on Reclame Aqui, which means that it is very reliable and cares about serving its customers well. So, don't waste time and visit the 123 Milhas website right now to check out all the services it can offer you!

However, if you are still in doubt between Submarino or 123 Miles, it is important to check all the advantages and disadvantages to make sure you make the right choice. So, check out the pros and cons of both platforms below.

Advantages of Submarino

Learn more about Submarino. Source: Youtube Submarino.

Submarino Viagens offers some positive points in its services that make it a very advantageous travel agency. So read on to discover the main benefits it offers its customers.

First, Submarino Viagens has a partnership with some other companies such as Banco Original, Santander and Dynamus for example. Thus, you can have discounts on their services if you are a customer of their partners too!

In addition, Submarino Viagens also has very attractive promotional prices. However, you need to keep an eye out to be quick to take advantage of the promotions that the platform offers. In fact, there are so many services that Submarino Viagens has that it can be considered a complete agency! So you can solve your trip in just a few clicks.

Advantages of 123 Miles

Well, the travel agency 123 Milhas purchases tickets using airline miles purchased from other customers. That way, it can offer ticket prices well below other agencies! Even though she needs to enter a profit margin when reselling, the discount values reach 50%!

In fact, it is 123 Milhas itself that issues the tickets purchased. That way, you can address any issues directly with the company. In this sense, they have a great score on the Reclame Aqui website, responding to almost 100% of notifications. So don't worry, this is a safe and reliable company!

Disadvantages of 123 Miles

So, as it is a site that buys airline tickets using other people's miles, the agency depends on the quoted value of the miles in the market, which ends up being a little fluctuating. That way, there is a risk of the value increasing while you are making the purchase.

Even if the company only performs a pre-approval on the credit card and only approves the payment after issuing the tickets, you run the risk of the amount being higher than agreed upon at the time of purchase. Therefore, if the value of miles goes up, you run the risk of losing your ticket.

Disadvantages of Submarine

Although Submarino Viagens has some advantages that make it a very attractive agency, it also has its negative aspects that need to be taken into account. So you can understand the pros and cons of buying services on the platform.

So, Submarino Viagens is a company that mediates between the customer and the airlines. That way, maybe you pay some extra fees when buying your ticket or tourism service. So stay tuned and check the company's official website to make sure the purchase is worth it.

Submarine or 123 Miles: which one to choose?

Well, now that you've followed our content about Submarino or 123 Milhas, you can choose which of the two agencies best meets your needs. In that sense, if you are looking for packages and other services, both are great options to find tourism products.

However, when it comes to tickets, 123 Milhas can offer a lower value than other platforms, but with the risk of increasing the value, as mentioned above. Therefore, if you want a safer option, it's best to check Submarino Viagens tickets.

But if you also want to explore other travel agency options, then you might find what you're looking for with CVC Viagens. By the way, this is one of the best agencies in the country, and offers promotional packages with unmissable values! So, check out our content below and learn more about the platform.

How to buy travel package at CVC?

Do you want to know how to buy a travel package at CVC? Because you can do this online and easily through the website. See how here.

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Passionate about living new experiences, cultures and always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He has experience in Hospitality and Tourism and has been working in the content production area for some years.

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