
How to apply for the Itaucard Azul Visa Infinite credit card?

Requesting the Itaucard Azul Visa Infinite card is easy and you don't need to be an account holder. Therefore, you can access the bank's website and fill out the form easily! Read to find out how!


Itaucard Azul Visa Infinite credit card: free tickets and other exclusive benefits!

Cartão Itaucard Azul Visa Infinite
See how to apply for the Itaucard Azul Visa Infinite credit card! Source: Itaú

If you want access to exclusive benefits such as Concierge, differentiated installments on Azul tickets, and Travel Insurance, then see how to request the Itaucard Azul Visa Infinite card.

In fact, to facilitate your subscription process, below we direct you to the official page of this financial product. So, you can request it from Itaú bank now.


Credit card

Itaucard Blue Visa Infinite

Points Program Travel insurance

Free tickets for companions, access to VIP lounges, Concierge and other incredible benefits!

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This way, you will be able to take advantage of these and many other advantages that the product offers its customers.

But, if you prefer a complete step-by-step guide to what you need to do, continue reading and check it out below!

Step by step to easily request your Itaucard Azul Visa Infinite card!

tela de detalhes no site Itaú
But, after all, how do I request the card? Source: Itaú

So, are you interested in having a Premium Visa product to enjoy all the benefits?

So just check out what to do below to request the Itaucard Azul Visa Infinite card.

In this sense, if you are an Itaú customer, you can also check with your account manager about the availability of the card for your financial profile.

Afterwards, it will be able to inform you of the status of your order throughout the process.

It is worth remembering that all requests will undergo a credit and profile analysis by the bank.

However, there are other ways to request your Azul Visa Infinite card, check them out below.

Order online

Well, you can easily apply for the card online.

First, access the official Itaú bank website and click on the “Cards” option in the center menu of the page.

Then click on “See all cards” to access the complete list.

Then, find the card you want and click “Order now” to access the online request form.

Now you just need to fill in the fields with the requested data and wait for the bank's approval.

Remember that all orders will undergo a credit analysis.

Request by app

Although the bank offers an exclusive app to manage expenses, make payments, check invoices, among other features, it is not possible to request the Itaucard Azul Visa Infinite card through it.

However, if you already have the card, you can download the app through the Google Play or App Store digital platform to have access to all services.

Recommended alternative: Sicoob Mastercard Black Merit card

If you like personalized service and exclusivity, then you need to know about the Sicoob Mastercard Black Merit card.

In this sense, Mastercard Black cards are Premium products.

In other words, this means that they are available to a select group of people. Therefore, access our content below and see how to request yours right now!

Logo Sicoob

How do I apply for a Mastercard Black Merit credit card?

The Black Merit Mastercard card application is available to those who already have an account with the Sicoob credit union. Check out!

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Passionate about living new experiences, cultures and always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He has experience in Hospitality and Tourism and has been working in the content production area for some years.

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