Looking for your accommodation...

Mr. Travel’s recommendation for you is Trivago

Trivago, compare hotel prices and find the best one for you!


Are you going to travel and want to find accommodation that suits you, at the lowest price? Then you need to know Trivago! The platform compares prices for hotels, inns, houses and apartments in more than 190 countries around the world to show you the cheapest!


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In other words, there are more than 5 million inns and 400 accommodation sites registered on Trivago so that, with the help of search filters, it can find the most affordable and comfortable option for you. And there are even more advantages to using the service:

Free hosting price comparison
Use via the website in the browser or via the app on your cell phone
Find hotels, guesthouses, chalets, houses and apartments around the world
Get the lowest hotel price for your trip

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Trivago is one of the best hotel search engines to use and find the lowest price on accommodation. Present in more than 190 countries, with more than 400 websites and 5 million registered hostels, it is the perfect option for you to find the accommodation you need at a cheaper price. In service comparisons, the platform is the largest in the world.

Firstly, it's important to know that Trivago doesn't sell accommodations, okay? The platform only works as a comparator and search engine for the best available options. Therefore, to find the perfect accommodation and be directed to the sales website, you need to access the Trivago website and, in the search tools, enter your destination, the dates of your trip and the number of guests. Then, the platform will give you some available options and you can choose the cheapest and best rated one.

Yes! The platform works in several countries, in addition to being a partner with millions of accommodations around the world. In addition, it compares prices from well-known websites such as Booking, Hoteis.com, Decolar and Expedia.

So, did you like the opportunity and would like to know in more detail how to use Trivago to find accommodation to travel? Check out the complete and exclusive step-by-step guide we prepared below.

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How to buy hosting on Trivago?

If you are planning your trip and want to find the best hotel option, see here how to buy Trivago accommodation and save!

But, if you prefer more intimate accommodation, why not look for something to rent on Airbnb? There, ordinary people rent rooms, houses or apartments on a seasonal basis.

Therefore, this is a great alternative for those who want cheap accommodation, but still more reserved. So, find out step by step how to rent with the platform below!

Logo Airbnb

How to easily buy on Airbnb?

Making your reservation through Airbnb can be quite simple using the search filters available on the site. In addition, the entire payment process is done by the platform in a safe and reliable way.

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