Senhor Viagens' recommendation for you is the Bynd app

Bynd app, the perfect solution for corporate mobility in a reliable, fun and economical way!


With the Bynd app you can connect with other employees who make similar journeys for the same company. In other words, you can get rides in a safe and economical way! Contribute to reducing CO2 and accumulate points in loyalty programs!


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See the advantages of downloading and using the Bynd app!

Reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere
Free app
cost savings
Accumulate Livelo and Multiplus points

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Through a company registration, employees can download and access Bynd to connect with other employees who have a compatible route to theirs. In other words, it is possible to organize rides. After the company registers, employees access the platform for free to find their rides and share costs. This way, everyone saves, both the company and its employees.

Firstly, it is important to mention that Bynd's features are only available through prior registration by the company. In this sense, it is she who must contract services. Therefore, through a subscription plan, the company chooses which solutions it wants to hire, such as Bynd Caronas. Then, registered employees will be able to use the app at no additional cost.

Yes. The Bynd application works through prior registration by the company. In other words, it is your company that must subscribe to the platform and register all its employees for use. Then, employees will be able to download the application and access it at no cost, according to the solutions contracted by the company. Only registered and regularized employees will have access. Therefore, it is a safe platform.

The platform has advanced artificial intelligence and will connect workers who have common destinations and similar routes. According to the Bynd team, this method increases the possibility of carpooling. When downloading and accessing the Bynd app, the user can choose to provide a ride or request it. Users can then register their itineraries and check the available options to choose from.

Save your fuel and bus money and get to work safely and comfortably. Just download the Bynd app and start using! So, don't waste time and check out the step by step below!

Logo Bynd Caronas

How to download and use the Bynd app?

Check out how to download and use the Bynd app, the platform that connects workers from the same company with compatible ride-hailing routes.

Now, if you want to ask for a ride not only to go to work but also to travel around the country, then how about checking out the Blablacar app? Well, the platform is free and connects drivers and hitchhikers with common destinations.

Furthermore, the amounts charged are much more affordable than competing transport apps! So, don't waste time and check out how to download and start using the Blablacar app below!

Nome do aplicativo Blablacar

How to download and use the Blablacar app?

Available for free for Android and iOS, just download and register on the Blablacar app to start looking for or offering a ride.

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