Looking for the ideal app for you...

Senhor Viagens' recommendation for you is the Busbud app

Busbud app, choose from more than 2 million road routes and discover the world with practicality and savings!


With the Busbud app you can find, compare and buy tickets for buses, subways, trains, shared cars and even ferries! Organize your trips directly on your cell phone, with over 80 countries available and thousands of partner bus companies!


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See the advantages of downloading and using the Busbud app!

Free app
Buy in your currency
No need to wait in line
Cancellation available via the app

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Through a simple and intuitive interface, the Busbud app offers a search system to find bus tickets and other means of transport in Brazil and around the world. Just download to check it out. You just need to enter your origin location, choose an available destination and then select your travel dates to find a route from a partner company. So, just complete the purchase directly through the app.

If you are Brazilian and want to buy your tickets through the Busbud platform, you can purchase using a Mastercard, Visa, Elo, American Express and Hiper Card credit card. Meanwhile, for foreigners, payment is available via credit cards from the same brands, as well as prepaid Visa and Mastercard cards. Customers can pay the amounts in up to 12 installments.

As soon as you complete your purchase with Busbud, you should receive a confirmation email with all your trip details. There you will find detailed information in the “Boarding requirements” section. Meanwhile, all information is also available in your registration with the company. You can access your profile using the same email address you registered when purchasing your tickets and check all travel information.

Yes! Busbud allows the user to request the cancellation of their purchase when the company they are traveling with offers this option. In other words, you need to check the company's Terms and Conditions first. If the bus company provides a refund, the customer can request it directly through the platform, on their Busbud profile. To find out if your ticket is refundable, check the details in the confirmation email.

So, how about seeing the world with cheap bus tickets and safe shopping? Download the Busbud app now and check out the millions of routes available in more than 84 countries! See below how to access!

Menina andando de mochila

How to download and use the Busbud app?

Start using the Busbud app to conveniently plan national and international trips. Choose your route by bus, train and other means!

Now, if you want to check out other road travel platforms present in Brazil and around the world, how about checking out FlixBus? One of the largest companies in this segment in the world, it offers several destinations for you to choose from!

There are dozens of countries with cheap tickets that fit your budget. So you want to know how to register and travel with FlixBus? Access the content below and check out a simple step-by-step guide on how to buy!

FlixBus em verde

How to download and use the FlixBus app?

The FlixBus app is available for Android and iOS users for free. With it you can find low-cost bus tickets to travel more, paying less.

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