
Havan Viagens: learn all about the agency!

Havan Viagens is a travel agency that offers, among other products, airline tickets and accommodation reservations. tickets to Beto Carrero and more. Check out how it works!


Discover everything about the Havan Viagens agency

Imagem de propaganda da Havan Viagens
Discover this agency to book your next trip! Source: Havan Viagens.

Havan Viagens has been on the market for 9 years. It was created with the aim of creating a comfortable and peaceful setting for you to enjoy your moments of rest.

Therefore, it makes life easier by presenting complete travel packages in one place. You can either opt for an isolated service or hire several at once.

logo Havan Viagens

How to buy tickets and packages in Havan?

Find out here how to buy a ticket in Havan or complete packages for your trip! It's all online and you can book hotels, tickets and more!

In addition, you have the chance to save on the sum of all products. For example, you can purchase tickets, complete packages, hotels and even entire trips to Disney!

In this sense, those who come out ahead are those who already have the Havan card. Do you want to know more and how to obtain all the benefits that the travel agency offers? So keep reading and see more about her and her services.

What does Havan Viagens offer?

imagem de propaganda de viagem para a Disney com a Havan
Source: Havan Viagens.

Like other travel agencies, Havan offers products linked to tourism. See what they are:

  • Airline tickets;
  • Travel Insurance;
  • Accommodation;
  • Tickets for Beto Carrero;
  • Trips to Disney.

In other words, you can, in just a few steps, book your transport and hotel for your vacation. This way, you don’t waste time hiring multiple services in different locations. Additionally, you can count on some offers and promotional prices.

How does Havan Viagens work?

It works in the same way as other travel agencies in Brazil. That is, you must first access the company's website. Then, choose the product you are looking for (tickets, hotels or Beto Carrero passports).

Then, fill in the information on the number of people and age group (that is, if they are children, adults or babies). Also, enter the desired dates for your trip, among other information on the screen.

This way, you will find the available options and can choose them according to your preferences. For example, due to the hours, prices and level of comfort they offer. Then, you must complete the purchase.

Mão segurando cartão da Universal em Orlando

How to travel to Orlando with miles? How many do you need?

Traveling without paying anything for the flight can be a reality. Therefore, there are strategies to accumulate the maximum number of miles to issue tickets without spending anything!

To do this, you must fill in new passenger and/or guest data. They refer to names, dates of birth and document numbers such as ID and CPF. In the end, then, it is up to you to make the payment.

You can pay for your product at Havan Viagens with a credit card or with the exclusive Havan card, which offers discount benefits. Furthermore, you can pay the amount in cash or in installments. 

How to buy with this agency? It is worth it?

Yes, it could be worth it if you do your research. In this case, it is up to you, if you want to save, to compare the prices offered with others that appear directly on the airline.

On the other hand, if price variations don't concern you, it could be a way of ensuring convenience. Additionally, you can also find promotions there, especially for travel and shopping outside of peak seasons.

Likewise, anyone who is a Havan customer and has a store card can find special offers and payment conditions on the Havan Viagens website, did you know? Therefore, this is the hypothesis in which it will be most worth making a purchase on the website.

So, if you want to know exactly how to buy through the website, access the content below! It has a complete step-by-step guide on what you should do. Go plan your next trip!

logo Havan Viagens

How to buy a ticket at Havan?

Find out here how to buy a ticket in Havan or complete packages for your trip! It's all online and you can book hotels, tickets and more!

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