
Is Couchsurfing Reliable? See how it works before using

Couchsurfing is a global platform where you can find free accommodation with local residents. Discover the option to make friends with people who have the same interests as you and save on travel!


Couchsurfing: find local hosts and stay for free!

Logo Couchsurfing
Find out everything about the platform! Source: Couchsurfing.

If you are going to travel and want to save on accommodation, how about using the Couchsurfing community? Through it, you can stay with local residents for free! But, is Couchsurfing really reliable?

Having been online for almost 20 years, the Couchsurfing platform is present in hundreds of thousands of cities around the world. In this sense, the objective is to encourage more and more people to travel!

Nome Couchsurfing em laranja

How to easily book with Couchsurfing?

Understand how to register and book through Couchsurfing and travel the world staying for free!

However, staying at a stranger's house can be scary. Especially for first-time travelers. This way, we brought complete content for you to understand what the community is.

This way, you can check out how the platform works and decide whether Couchsurfing is reliable and really worth it. So, continue reading and check out all the details about this community!

What is Couchsurfing?

Couchsurfing was born in 2004 with the aim of connecting people around the world and, thus, encouraging more and more travel. Through it, you can find registered hosts and the accommodations they offer.

So, you can choose whether or not you want to request a reservation with that host according to your profile. So, you're still doubting whether Couchsurfing is trustworthy, aren't you? Well, don't worry!

This is because the community works with real testimonials from travelers who have already stayed at that accommodation. Furthermore, the platform has a team capable of providing customer service in different languages.

In other words, if you have questions or any problems with your reservation, you can contact Couchsurfing. This way, everyone feels safe and confident to travel and make new friends around the world!

How does it work to plan your trip with Couchsurfing?

Propaganda Couchsurfing
After all, how does it work? Source: Couchsurfing.

Well, Couchsurfing follows similar concepts to a social network. However, in addition to meeting people with the same interests as you, you can also make a reservation and stay.

But pay attention! The host must accept your reservation for it to be confirmed. After all, the community aims to connect people around the world who have similar interests.

Therefore, it is very important that you carefully read the profile of whoever is offering the hosting. When sending your reservation request message, be cordial, polite and check the location's recommendations.

This way, you ensure that the accommodation is in accordance with the advertisement and avoids any inconvenience. So, what are you waiting for to see the world?

Couchsurfing is reliable, safe and the most fun way to travel on a budget!

Is it reliable and safe to travel with Couchsurfing?

Finally, it is worth remembering that the community is present all over the world! In this sense, there are accommodations spread across more than 200 thousand cities and more than 12 million registered people!

Therefore, there is no need to be afraid, as Couchsurfing is reliable! So, access it and register to find free accommodation anywhere in the world.

In fact, you can also check out our content below to understand how to make your reservation!

Nome Couchsurfing em laranja

How to easily book with Couchsurfing?

Understand how to register and book through Couchsurfing and travel the world staying for free!

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Passionate about living new experiences, cultures and always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He has experience in Hospitality and Tourism and has been working in the content production area for some years.

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