How to buy airfare on sale at Decolar?
Decolar has a simplified platform for you to find exactly what you need when planning your trip, such as unmissable airline ticket promotions! So, see how to get them here!
Discover how to buy cheaper air tickets in the Decolar promotion!
Although air tickets account for the largest share of our travel budget, you can save money if you know how to buy air tickets on Decolar. The platform carries out the search and offers the flights with the best value, guaranteeing the customer savings of up to 60%! So, do you want to enjoy it too? See below how to buy!
Step by step to buy your cheapest airline tickets with Decolar
The largest online travel agency in Brazil can offer unmissable prices on airline tickets. This way, you can save money and still have an unforgettable trip without breaking your budget! So, don't waste time, check out how to buy air tickets on Decolar and take advantage of the prices!
Access the website
First of all, you need to access the official Decolar website and select the “Tickets” option in the main menu. Then, fill in the fields with your place of origin, destination and travel dates to search for your flight. In fact, if you have flexible dates and destinations, you can check the “Offers” tab to find incredible flash deals!
Find your flight
Now, wait for the page to load with the flight options available to you. You can also use the search filters on the left side of the screen to further specify the results. So, when you find the flight that best suits your itinerary, click “Buy”.
Finally, you will be redirected to register with some of the passengers' personal information. Then, choose your payment method, which can be via credit card, debit card, PIX, transfer and even installments with a bank slip!
In other words, it's much easier for you! Then, fill in all the necessary information and click to complete the purchase at the bottom of the page. Okay, now you know how to buy a plane ticket on Decolar and can take advantage of unmissable prices. See how simple it is?
Discover other alternatives for traveling: CVC airline ticket promotion
Another giant in the Brazilian tourism market, CVC is famous for its promotional packages and incredible prices on air tickets. So, if you're looking for savings, you need to check out CVC's offers to guarantee up to 70% discount on flights. See below how to make your purchase on the platform and don't waste any more time!
How to buy airfare on sale at CVC?
CVC offers tourism services at an incredible value, in addition to offering special promotions for tickets, packages and much more. So, it's important to keep an eye on the website so you don't miss opportunities!
About the author / Samantha Scorbaioli
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