
How to easily book with Couchsurfing?

When you register on the Couchsurfing platform, you will find hosts with profiles similar to yours around the world and you can stay for free! See the step-by-step instructions for booking here.


Couchsurfing: stay with local hosts and meet other travelers!

Nome Couchsurfing em laranja
See how to make your reservation through the platform! Source: Couchsurfing.

If you want to travel even more, but are on a budget, how about booking with Couchsurfing to stay for free? That's right, with the platform you can find local hosts without paying anything!

In this sense, Couchsurfing is a community that connects people with similar interests who seek and offer accommodation around the world. This way, you can make new friends, save money and discover more destinations!


Hosting Platform


Economy Immersion

Find free accommodation around the world with local hosts!

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Step by step to book on Couchsurfing

Propaganda do Couchsurfing
So, check out the step-by-step guide to make your reservation! Source: Couchsurfing.

Present in 230,000 cities around the world, the Couchsurfing community is ideal for those who want to meet people and stay for free with local hosts. So, see how to book with Couchsurfing and travel more!

Access the website

Firstly, you will need to access the platform's official website and click on “Join” to register. In this sense, you can use your Facebook account or register an email of your choice.

Choose the plan

Well, due to the impacts of the pandemic, the community asks for a monthly or annual contribution so that travelers have access to the platform. Then, choose your subscription plan and your payment method.

Book with Couchsurfing

Now that you've registered and opted for a subscription plan, it's time to look for hosts who have a profile similar to yours. In this sense, you can search the website according to your destination.

Once you find an accommodation you like, check other travelers' recommendations and view the host's profile. Then, make a reservation request and wait for it to be accepted.

Did you see how simple it is to book with Couchsurfing? Take advantage of this immersive opportunity for local culture and knowledge about other experiences!

Discover other alternatives for traveling: Sisterwave App

Did you know that there are platforms to encourage women to travel alone and safely? That's exactly what the Sisterwave app proposes through a collaborative community.

Through the app, you can find female hosts around the world and can make a reservation to stay. Furthermore, the platform is exclusive for use by women! See more details by clicking below.

Nome do app

Sisterwave app: what is it and how does it work?

An application aimed exclusively at women, Sisterwave helps women find safe accommodation. Discover!

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Passionate about living new experiences, cultures and always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He has experience in Hospitality and Tourism and has been working in the content production area for some years.

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