
How to get the Youth ID to travel for free?

Have you ever thought about traveling all over Brazil by bus without paying for tickets? Find out here how to obtain the Youth ID to get it! This is a government benefit that also gives discounts for access to cultural programs.


Understand how to obtain a Youth ID to travel around Brazil for free!

Logo do app ID Jovem
Find out how to obtain a Youth ID to travel for free. Source: Google Play.

If you are looking for an opportunity to travel around Brazil without paying anything for bus tickets, you need to know how to obtain the ID Jovem. After all, this government benefit gives you that chance!

The document request process is simple and online. In fact, below we direct you to the official ID Jovem page, if you want to continue the process here, is that ok?


Identity Document

Young ID

Tickets Events

Travel by bus for free and get discounts on cultural programs!

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But, if you're still not sure how to do it and think it's best to access a complete step-by-step guide, don't worry, as we've prepared one for you below.

So, keep reading to find out who can obtain the Youth ID, what documents are required and how to apply to take advantage of the benefit and travel for free!

Step by step on how to obtain a Youth ID to travel

Ônibus viajando em estrada
The benefit application is online. Source: AdobeStock.

Well, ID Jovem is available to people between 15 and 29 years old who have a family with a monthly income of up to 2 minimum wages and who hold CadÚnico.

In fact, it is worth remembering that your Single Registry data must be updated for at least 24 months. Otherwise, you will need to update through the CRAS closest to you.

Register on the government website

Therefore, if you meet the requirements, know that just access the official government website to begin the process of obtaining the Youth ID. When you are on the benefit page, click on “Issue Youth ID”.

At this stage, you will be asked for some data, such as your NIS number, full name, mother's name and date of birth. So, after filling in this information, click on “Generate Youth ID”.

In fact, remember that NIS is the Social Identification Number, which you can consult in the FGTS statement. Furthermore, after issuing the Youth ID, it will be valid for 180 days. After that, you will need to issue it again.

Enjoy the benefit

However, please note that after obtaining the Youth ID, for you to have access to the benefit in practice, you will need to book your bus ticket at least 3 hours before leaving for your destination, is that ok?

And, although it is possible to request a ticket online, not all companies offer this facility. Therefore, you will need to go to the bus terminal to request tickets.

Is it possible to use the Jovem ID to travel by plane?

No, unfortunately this is not possible. However, there is a way to get free flights in Brazil. Well, we are talking about the FAB, the Brazilian Air Force.

Through it, citizens will be able to hitch a ride on aircraft that are traveling on FAB missions. Furthermore, there are other ways to get free tickets, for example, by accumulating airline miles.

Do you want to see these and many other tips for getting discounts and free tourism services? So access our content below and check out more!

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How to earn free trips: 5 tips that will facilitate this desire!

If you want to travel, but don't have enough budget, know that there are several ways to get discounts or even free services.

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