Travel agency
How to easily buy from Momondo?
Although it is not a travel agency, Momondo can connect you with the company that offers the best value for money for your trip. Understand how to use the services and enjoy saving!
How about taking the trip of your dreams and still saving on flights and hotels on offer? So see below how to buy through the Momondo platform and find the best promotions on travel services.
In this sense, Momondo has partners around the world and is considered one of the main meta-search engines available! With it, find airline tickets, accommodation and car rental at an unmissable price.
Step by step to buy through Momondo
Although it is not a travel agency, Momondo can connect you with the best platforms that offer tourism services. Find deals on hotels, flights and car rentals and travel more, for less.
Access the website
Firstly, to buy through Momondo you will need to access the platform's official website. Then, on the left side of the screen you will find the service options available to search.
Choose from airline tickets, car rentals, accommodation and activities. Then, fill in the fields on the page with the destination, travel dates, and other necessary specifications.
In fact, if you are looking for airline tickets, you can use Momondo's filters to find even the most comfortable flight for you. In other words, you can find the option according to your needs.
When you find the option that suits you best, click on “See offer” to access the partner website that is offering the service. After all, remember that Momondo will only work as a search engine.
This way, you must make the purchase directly with the partner company you chose. Therefore, the payment method may change depending on the tourism service provider, ok?
If you like practical ways to find tickets and other tourism services, then how about checking out Kayak? In fact, this is also a meta-search option that can find incredible flight deals for you!
Furthermore, Kayak is a safe platform that is present in several countries. Therefore, it can make life easier for those who want to find airline tickets and other travel services. Access below and see how it works!
Airfare on sale at Kayak: find out and get discounts!
On Kayak you can find low-cost flights, as well as being able to compare prices on different websites. The search engine finds hundreds of options at the same time, offering the best result according to your needs.
About the author / Samantha Scorbaioli
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